Wednesday, May 6, 2020

“Sexual Harassment Should Not Be Tolerated at the Workplace”.

In the age of high powered lawsuits and increasing bankruptcies, companies cannot afford any misstep. Hence, firms are encouraged to portray their corporate profile and culture as transparently as possible to the public audience to ensure that all company’s communications and concerns are disclosed (Russel et al., 2007). However, internal issues such as sexual harassment and workplace romances are still shadowed and concealed. These two norms of the workplace may seem undisruptive to many but large, newsworthy events and setback had happened and it has long haunt the performances of a company. Sexual harassments and romances in workplace involve people, the article that matter most to a company because people are the one who plan, lead,†¦show more content†¦Romance blossom at work very easily and often than not, it ends in bitterness leaving the organization vulnerable to many circumstances. It is impossible to prevent romances in workplace as romances due to the fact that it happens between two people and it will happen anywhere, anytime with anyone from the Chief Executive Officer and Secretary or intern and President. Office romances have all these while been a natural occurrence in the workplace and are notorious for favouritism, workloads increased, discrimination and retaliation (Office Romance, 2007). Findings have been shown by that 47% of the workforce have been involve in office romances before and more than 19% of the workforce are willing to try given the opportunity (Lorenz, 2007). This statistic shows how the mentality of employees have changed throughout the years especially with the increasing number of women in the workforce and the increment of working hours per day which resulted into lesser free time and more time spent in the office where the all eligible singles are. These indirectly increase the chances of being involved in a workplace romance. However, love in workplace should be regulated to avoid the circumstances listed above as well. To ban the employees of the company from being involved would be ridiculous as we are dealing with humans filled withShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Sexual Harassment? Essay1333 Words   |  6 PagesWhat is Sexual Harassment? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, sexual harassment is defined as â€Å"uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical behavior of a sexual nature especially by a person in authority toward a subordinate.† Sexual harassment happens in the workplace and it affects both women and men. There is a fine line between the occasional unwanted sexual advances and comments that someone may find inappropriate. 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