Friday, May 22, 2020

Are There a Difference Between the Topic and Research Questio

Are There a Difference Between the Topic and Research Questio?When writing an essay, a student will often encounter a dilemma of whether to research or to write the essay. How do you go about it? Should you research or should you write the extended essay first?Both write-up and research can be an essay in and of themselves. They have a different feel. A good writer will recognize that research can serve as an introduction to a story, whereas a good essay writer knows it takes more than a compelling introduction to get the point across. One will draw the reader in, while the other will show the reader how that same story is constructed.In fact, research-written essays will most likely never make the grade in some writing competitions. Why? Because a writing competition is not a writing competition. Most competitions will be judging for style and thematic relevance. It takes a certain type of prose to create a compelling story.The best way to avoid this dilemma is to establish an outli ne for your essay. This is the easiest way to direct your research, and guide you through the writing process. By establishing a clear idea of the length of your article, and the kind of questions you wish to answer, it will help you avoid unnecessary digging. Here are a few guidelines to consider when deciding whether or not to write the extended essay first:First, write about the topic, but do not research the topic. Yes, you want to know the topic, but what you do not want to know yet is what others who may be related to the topic are thinking or saying. Sure, this information can be used to supplement your main argument, but it is just as easy to just write your own thoughts without thinkingtoo much about what others are thinking.Second, when starting to write your essay, break your topic into shorter chunks. That way, when you are looking up sources, you only need to look up one page of information instead of five or six. This helps to make your piece feel more complete, and it also speeds up the writing process.Last, when you are ready to start your essay, write it as if you are having a conversation with a friend. There are a lot of people who will say to you, 'I don't think so,' at this stage, but if you are in a conversation, you need to listen to the person before responding.Ultimately, the best essay is the one that is truly compelling. It has a foundation of research, but also has a feeling of friendship. These steps are essential when writing an essay that will get attention, and will keep it attention, once it is finished.

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