Saturday, May 16, 2020

Essay on Hamlet vs. Fortinbras - 926 Words

Hamlet vs Fortinbras HAMLET AND FORTINBRAS In Hamlet the character of Fortinbras, a young Norwegian prince, has been used as a foil for the main character Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark. Hamlet and Fortinbras have both lost their fathers to untimely deaths. Hamlets father, King Hamlet, was killed by his uncle Claudius and Fortinbras father was killed by King Hamlet. Both Hamlet and Fortinbras have vowed to take revenge for the deaths of their fathers. However, how they go about doing this is the complete opposite of the other. Hamlet, after learning that his fathers death was murder and promising to take revenge, waits and makes sure that what he knows is the absolute†¦show more content†¦In it Hamlet is reflecting upon Fortinbras determination to go against the Polish army for the honor over a trivial matter while he himself is taking such a long time in avenging the his fathers fate and his mothers disgrace. The soliloquy begins with Hamlets thoughts on how much time has passed and he still hasnt done anything. He says: How all occasions do inform against me, And spur my dull revenge! What is a man, If his chief good and market of his time Be but to sleep and feed? a beast, no more. (Hamlet IV.iv. 32-35) In these lines, Hamlet is thinking about all the time he has wasted in not taking action. He sees how everything around him is taking shape, all except his own actions. He goes on to say Sure, he that made us with such large discourse, Looking before and after, gave us not that capability and god-like reason to fust in us unusd (36-39) Here Hamlet is saying that every man has reason, and that reason should be put to good use. He also expresses the thought that he has ......cause and will and strength and means to dot (45-46) but still waits and thinks instead of taking action. Next, Hamlet goes on to describes Fortinbras. He asks the audience to: Witness this army of such mass and charge Led by a delicate and tender prince, Whose spirit with divine ambition pufd Makes mouths at the invisible event, Exposing what isShow MoreRelatedHamlet Socratic Circle Essay1225 Words   |  5 PagesHamlet Socratic Circle 1. Did Hamlet really go crazy? How does this connect to his wavering between action and inaction? Why doesn’t Hamlet just kill Claudius? Is he a just man who needs assurance beyond a doubt of Claudius’ guilt? Is he unable to take action because the opportunity never presents itself? Is he simply a coward? What are Hamlet’s true motivations for even pursuing the murder of Claudius? Is it Fear? Revenge? Love? Loyalty/Obligation? No, Hamlet did not really go crazy From theRead MoreA Common Theme Of Shakespeare s Hamlet1573 Words   |  7 Pageswhich theme varies from play to play. In Hamlet specifically, Shakespeare establishes a much larger emphasis on thoughts rather than actions. Shakespeare places a great amount of thought into the protagonist, Hamlet. Throughout this tragedy, the reader sees Hamlet as a more thought-provoking character that spends large amounts of time thinking about problems rather than trying to fix them, often putting them off. An example of this is when Hamlet first learns about his father s murdererRead MoreEssay about Appearance vs. Reality in Shakespeares Hamlet497 Words   |  2 PagesAppearance vs. Reality in Shakespeares Hamlet In Hamlet deceiving illusions are frequently used to protect truth from being a destructive force. Situations within acts one and two that appear to be true and honest are really contaminated with evil. Various characters within the first two acts hide behind masks of corruption. In the first two acts most characters presented seem to be good and honest making it a complex task for Hamlet to discover all the lies that have hidden objectives withinRead MoreThe Sanity Of William Shakespeare s Hamlet1938 Words   |  8 Pagesto the character’s essence. Many acclaimed critics question the sanity of the protagonist in one of William Shakespeare’s most famous plays, Hamlet. The question of Prince Hamlet’s sanity divides readers into two different opinions: one defending his plan of fake insanity and the other confirming his insanity. In his plan to avenge his father’s death, Hamlet disguises himself as mad. Unfortunately, Hamlet’s intricate plan backfir es as his mental illnesses become more prominent. The death of lovedRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet Essay1751 Words   |  8 PagesWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet There were many factors which affected Shakespeare when he wrote Hamlet, one of which was the fashion at the time were all about revenge tragedies, the audience absolutely loved to watch violence. Shakespeare knew that, so most of his plays were in that category. When this play was written in 1601, Shakespeares father died and also one of his generous patron and friend imprisoned due to the failure of a rebellion led by Lord Essex. Shakespeare

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